
¡Hola a todos! Creamos este blog para acompañarlos y que nos acompañen durante este período de tiempo en el cual no podemos asistir de forma presencial a la Escuela. En este blog los profes van a estar compartiendo con ustedes propuestas, actividades, recursos, juegos y otros materiales de sus áreas que podrán encontrar en las pestañas correspondientes a cada curso.
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#quedateencasa #yomequedoencasa

jueves, 2 de julio de 2020


Listening 1.5 (from the activity made in resource 11)
Keys from listening 1.5
1.       Because he liked the country, and Chileans are pro European and open to new things.
2.       Frederick is his father´s name.
3.       Because they don`t expect the English to be good cooks.
4.       English breakfast and deserts, e.g. trifle, English teas with cakes and sandwiches. They are all very popular.
5.       In gastropubs (pubs which are also restaurants) because they serve food which is good but not too expensive.
6.       One. Many reasons –women don´t like te unsocial hours, and they don´t like the
atmosphere – there´s a lof of shouting and it´s very hot.
7.       English cheese, especially Stilton.

In this resource nª 12  we are going to start with page 8. the lesson is called: “If you really want to win, cheat”:
1B. GRAMMAR: past tense simple, continuous, perfect.   
If you see the highlighted verbs in the text, you can see the different tenses in context and complete point d.
On page 130 (I,  had sent in the resource 11) you can see the grammar rules and on page 131,  1B has 2 activities a and b.

The following activity is a listening on page 9 from the NEF book. On page 9, you can see point 3 (audio1.6), a football referee is interviewed. Page nª 9. Answer the multiple choice questions with 7 points.

Finally, I am sending an activity from other book that is about vocabulary. The topic is sport. On one page you have 3 points (A, B and C) and on other page you have the activities. I hope you enjoy it.
Next time I m sending the keys.

I am sending 2 files attached in pdf.


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